Saturday, October 18, 2014

To Print or not To Print (HINT: Print)

Ah yes, welcome to my first "proper" post on the brand new Monster Attack Team website.

So yeah, I got a little something to say:

MAT #11 was intended from the beginning to be a print magazine. It was designed as a print magazine. It was proofed and conceptualized as a print magazine.

When we went through Ka-Blam, (and consequently IndyPlanet) to print our latest issue, the digital download came with the package. This is something that was, for all intents and purposes, out of our control. I had no idea how the digital download looked compared to our print issue. So I bought one...

And I am here to tell you that the digital download is not the way to go. For whatever reason, some text disappears. Also, the magazine was designed to be viewed in spreads, not individual pages.

So here's what I'm going to do: If you purchased a digital download, forward me your receipt from IndyPlanet/Ka-Blam to, and I will send you a much better PDF.

That is your public service announcement for the day.